Cooler Tuesday Night, breezy and warm for Wednesday

We are now in a bit of a temperature roller coaster across the Weather First area, with cooler temperatures today, and warmer again for Wednesday.

Temperatures across southeastern Minnesota and northern Iowa are down by around 20 degrees from where they were this time on Monday. These cooler temperatures are thanks to the passage of a cold front Monday evening, which brought northwest winds to our area and the cooler Canadian air.

Tonight will be cooler than last night, with lows in the mid 40F’s for a majority of our area. More cloud cover across southeastern Minnesota and northern Iowa will limit how far temperatures are able to drop tonight, keeping us warmer than areas to our east. Skies will generally clear later tonight and early tomorrow morning, and we stay dry.

Winds pick up again tomorrow, this time, out of the southwest. It will be very breezy, with winds of 10-20 mph, gusting up to 35 mph at times. These winds will bring warmer air that is building across the Great Plains into our area Wednesday afternoon. Temperatures are expected to climb into the mid to upper 70F’s, under plenty of sunshine!

Wednesday evening skies remain clear, with winds calming down a bit, but eventually shifting to the west closer to midnight as another cold front approaches. This will once again bring cooler air into our area Thursday into Friday.