Daily Almanac Check In

Today was a wonderful day for most of us across southeastern Minnesota and northern Iowa, with plenty of sunshine and high temperatures in the upper 70F’s to lower 80F’s.

Lows this morning ranged from the upper 50F’s in northern Iowa to the mid 60F’s across portions of southern Minnesota.

The highs today fell mostly in line with the average high for this time of year, which is 81F. The lows ranged from slightly below average (61F) across northern Iowa to a bit above average across portions of southern Minnesota. Overall, we aren’t far off from where we should be this time of year in terms of both high and low temperatures.

In terms of rainfall, now that is a different story. The biggest piece of news regarding yearly rainfall is that Mason City has officially surpassed Rochester! Rochester’s yearly rainfall is at 24.03″ while Mason City is at 24.29″. This is all thanks to one little heavy downpour that tracked right over Mason City earlier this afternoon.

Whether you consider it lucky or unlucky that Mason City saw this one downpour, it now puts Mason City in the lead for yearly rainfall, but Rochester still takes the cake for seeing more rain compared to normal by over 1″.