Dangerous Heat & Humidity Continue Today

We are tracking day four of our ALERT DAY status due to the excessive heat & high humidity impacting the Weather First Area. High temperatures Thursday are back in the lower to middle 90s, with the humidity pushing our feels-like temperatures into the 100-110° range once again this afternoon.

As always, be sure to drink plenty of water, and/or fluids that are higher in electrolytes. Limit your time outside, if you can, as well. If you have to be outside, especially those working, be sure to take very frequent water & cool-down breaks in the shade or AC. Limit the time outside for your children and pets as well. Be sure to check in on your elderly relatives and/or neighbors when it gets this hot. And lastly, ***NEVER*** leave a pet or person unattended in a vehicle for any length of time!

We are going to finally start to chip away at the heat Friday, as highs remain warm, but in the upper 80s. The relief will really be felt this weekend, with middle to upper 70s expected, with lower humidity.

Unfortunately, we are lacking rainfall over the next seven days. Aside from a few sprinkles throughout Friday, and possibly a few light showers Sunday evening into early Monday, we aren’t seeing any significant rain moving into the region anytime soon.