Fall begins Sunday, but will it feel like it for long?

The official beginning of fall is this upcoming Sunday, and it will feel like fall for at least a few days, but will it last?

The Climate Prediction Center is placing high odds for above to well above average temperatures across southeastern Minnesota and northern Iowa over the next 2 weeks. The average highs this time of year are right around 70F as of the final week of September, but drop into the 60F’s through early October. While this doesn’t mean temperatures aren’t going to cool down between now and then, it certainly does indicate the possibility of warmer than normal weather sticking around for the foreseeable future.

Showers and t-storms tracked across the area this last Thursday, but not everywhere saw the rain that they needed due to how dry the month of September has been so far. With that said, the Climate Prediction Center has fair odds of southeastern Minnesota and northern Iowa receiving below normal rainfall over the next 2 weeks. This certainly would be no help to those who are still quite dry around the area, and have been dry since August.

Of course this doesn’t mean our area will see no rain at all, but it certainly does suggest that we may not see a whole lot of it to end September and begin October.

Overall, things look to remain warmer than normal for our area, as well as drier than normal. Only time will tell if we indeed see this warmth, but drier conditions after this Saturday certainly look likely at this time.