Few showers possible Thursday

A cold front will sweep through the area on Thursday leading to some light showers.

Moisture will increase late Wednesday night into Thursday morning with a few light showers possible.

Showers will be around through the morning hours with much of the afternoon dry before a few more scattered showers are possible during the late afternoon and evening.

This system doesn’t have a lot of punch to it as rain amounts are expected to be fairly light with most areas receiving around 0.10″ or less. If any thunderstorms develop, some locations may see higher amounts, however considering the time of day the front will be passing through, instability is expected to be rather meager, if any at all.

Some breaks in the clouds are possible especially during the afternoon as skies are expected to be partly sunny. High temperatures will be mild and in the middle 70s for most.

The humidity will be more noticeable with dew point temperatures likely in the middle 60s. Dry and cooler air will arrive later in the day lowering dew points into Friday.