Heatwave getting underway

National Weather Service offices around the region have hoisted Excessive Heat Warnings from central Minnesota all the way south to Louisiana and Texas. As the heatwave is getting underway in the upper Midwest, parts of Iowa are realizing a heat index up to 115° this Monday afternoon. The hottest stretch of days is ahead of us Tuesday and Wednesday. Parts of the Weather First area will see heat indices reaching 110° and, possibly, a little higher at times Tuesday afternoon.

We should start to get a little relief from the heat on Thursday, but it might not be relief for all of us. Winds will start to shift north of I-90 during the day Thursday, and it looks like that north wind might bring down our temperature and dew point to less dangerous levels Thursday. South of I-90, the heat looks to stay oppressive through Thursday. All of us will get a welcome reprieve from the heat on Friday and temperatures this coming weekend will top out in the mid-70s.

Heat like this can sneak up on you, and a few days in a row of heat indices over 100° can be very dangerous if you don’t take care of yourself. Stay hydrated, think of your pets as well, and don’t leave anyone, person or pet, in a vehicle unless the A/C is on.