Large system next week, impacts for us?

It is a rather large storm system targeting the Midwest next week. Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday will be the days to watch. Locally in southern Minnesota and northern Iowa, we’ll see this system too, but the placement of where we are in regards to it, does not look favorable to see the worst impacts.
That title, as of this point, appears to be best served for western Minnesota and the Dakotas where a major winter storm, if not an all out blizzard unfolds.
We’ll deal with a warmer component of wind drawing in temperatures above freezing in the column of air above. That will mean rain or wintry mix in the early goings of this system. That said, a couple degrees shift downwards can completely change things up. By the end of this system, we’ll cool to the point of seeing some snow, albeit light. Wind will be strong with this one too.
To talk specific details at this point is premature. There are big uncertainties yet in the data. We’ll be monitoring over the weekend and dish out a finer expectation on what will happen as time goes on.