Meteor showers and northern lights tonight!

Cloud cover prevented most of us across the Weather First area from seeing a magnificent display of both the northern lights and the Perseids Meteor Shower last night. However, we are looking at a better chance to see these features tonight!

Skies are expected to clear out almost entirely by the overnight hours across most of the viewing area. Winds are going to be rather calm, with temperatures dropping to around 60F by late tonight, and dropping into the mid 50F’s by dawn.

These clear skies and pleasant temperatures will make for a perfect opportunity to get out and get a good view of the meteor shower and the northern lights.

The northern lights potential is lower than last night, but it is still certainly there, and the chances of seeing them increase the further north you are.

To view these features, getting away from cities (sources of light pollution) is very important. A lot of times, larger cities produce some much light pollution that these features cannot be seen. Your best bet is to find a open area that doesn’t have any town lights to your north, or directly overhead.

Opportunities to do so taper off significant by tomorrow night. These are truly amazing space weather phenomena to witness, so if you have the chance, I would certainly recommend getting out and attempting to view them!