More Sunshine, Warmth, & Iso. Storms Today

Highs today are well into the upper 80s, nearing 90 even for a few of us on our Tuesday. A few isolated morning showers and storms will clear out by the mid-day, resulting in the warm-up this afternoon. Thanks to the daytime heating, we will continue to see isolated, pop-up t-storms, very similar to what we saw later in the day Monday.

We are stuck in a consistent weather pattern for the next several days, which will consist of sunshine, very summer like air in the middle to upper 80s, more humidity, and pop-up afternoon & evening storms.

Organized, widespread severe weather is not expected, however a few strong storms with pockets of heavy rain, a little hail, brief strong wind gusts, and plenty of lightning & thunder will remain possible Tuesday through Saturday. A few more storms will dot the forecast early next week as well. Temperatures will remain very summer-like during this stretch, as they top out in the middle to upper 80s (normal highs are in the low/mid 70s) into early next week.