On/Off rain into the weekend

There are three main periods to watch for rain in the Friday-Sunday stretch. A stalled out frontal boundary will be the focus for rainfall but it’s situated a bit to our northwest. A few ripples will swing up along it and have enough scope to send showers and storms our way.

The times we’re watching… Friday afternoon into pre-dawn Saturday. Saturday evening into Saturday night. And again Sunday through the day.

There will be dry times. Through the day on Saturday, until late afternoon looks to be one of those times. Given we’re south of the front, temperatures will be warm and we’ll also be muggy.

Thunderstorms will be possible, but the signals we’re looking for for severe weather are on the low side. We’ll be monitoring as we get closer to the timeframe. Amounts initially expected will be in the 1/2″ to 1″ range for the three day stretch.

Unfortunately, any thunderstorm can be cause for a flag on Friday Night Football. It is possible that thunderstorms develop during the evening and may disrupt local games.

Stay tuned for updates.