Quiet weather across the Weather First area this week, and warmer

Things sure will be quiet around here for the next several days, with nothing major/significant to write home about.

Temperatures this Tuesday afternoon have been a tad warmer than they were on Monday, with many locations reaching the 70F mark, unlike the last few days. Dew points have also remained very comfortable, making it feel like a gorgeous early fall day.

A long stretch of sunny days and clear nights lie ahead of us across southeastern Minnesota and northern Iowa, starting tonight. Temperatures will drop overnight into the mid to upper 40F’s…rather seasonable for this time of year. Wednesday will feature plenty of sunshine with a few fair weather cumulus clouds during the afternoon hours. Highs reach into the mid 70F’s across the Weather First area, with comfortable dew points continuing.

Thursday and Friday will feature sunshine, with perhaps just a bit more cloud cover on Friday. High temperatures will be in the upper 70F’s, and some folks may even get to 80F for a brief time Thursday and/or Friday afternoon!

More clouds arrive in the forecast this weekend, but the warm temperatures hold on! High will be in the mid 70F’s, with dew points remaining in the 50F’s for most. There will be a slight chance of a shower both Saturday and Sunday, but guidance has recently been backing off on this possibility, so no real concerns over widespread rain this weekend at this time.

Will be watching for a cold front to pass through the area sometime toward the beginning or middle of next week, which will bring in cooler, more fall like air into our area, with highs in the 60F’s once again to kick off October.