Seasonable Thursday, much cooler Friday

One batch of cooler air has already pushed through the area as of Wednesday afternoon, and more cool air will be pouring through southern Minnesota and northern Iowa in the next couple of days. We still have plenty of blue sky this Wednesday, and will be able to enjoy more again Thursday before clouds, much cooler air, and some showers move into the Weather First area Friday.

Temperatures will be dipping into the lower 50s by Thursday morning, which is right on track for this time of year. Thursday will be a gusty, bright and cooler day with highs running close to the seasonal norm, which is in the mid-60s. Another shot of even cooler air will move in Friday morning, bringing a gusty wind and a few showers with it. The next couple days will be rather gusty at times with wind gusts up to 30-35mph.

This weekend will feel unusually cool compared to the near-record warmth of the past few days in addition to the 3rd warmest September on record. Temperatures will be running slightly below normal this weekend with highs around 50 and overnight lows in the 30s. Next week’s weather will level out a bit for a comfortable stretch of more typical fall weather.