Spotty showers through Friday followed by fall-like weekend cooldown

The weather pattern will undergo a change from summer to fall as the weekend begins. During the transition, a few spotty showers will be possible.

A cold front will slide through Thursday morning leading to a few light showers across the area. They’ll be gone around or before lunchtime. High temperatures are expected to be in the middle-to-upper 70s.

Behind the front, cooler Canadian air will surge south. Ahead of it, some smoke from Canadian wildfires will drift south through the area which may lead to hazy skies on Thursday afternoon and evening.

The colder air aloft combined with daytime instability may pop a few isolated showers on Friday. It’ll be noticeably cooler with highs expected to be in the middle-to-upper 60s.

The coldest of the air will be overhead Friday night into Saturday morning as temperatures drop into the lower 40s! Some places, especially low-lying valley areas may dip into the 30s!

Temperatures will recover back into the lower 60s on Saturday afternoon under a partly cloudy sky.

The fall-like air moves out on Sunday into next week as high temperatures get back to above average in the 70s and 80s.