Stay Hydrated – Turning Hot!

After a seasonably warm finish to the week, heat will begin to build over the entire upper Midwest this weekend. In some parts of southern Minnesota and northern Iowa, temperatures will be reaching levels they have yet to hit this summer. With highs in the low to mid-90s Saturday and dew points reaching the 70s, there will be a heat index nearing 105° at times. Be sure to drink plenty of water if you have any outdoor plans this weekend. Heat Advisories and Excessive Heat Warnings are in place for the entire ABC 6 News viewing area for Saturday afternoon to evening.

There will be a very subtle change Sunday thanks to a northerly wind. Temperatures will still make it to the mid to upper-80s as opposed to the 90s, but temperatures will still be well above average and it’ll be feeling hot. It will be a great opportunity to find a pool, lake, or sprinkler both Saturday and Sunday. The heat wave will continue into next week, getting even warmer around Wednesday as highs get pushed to the mid-90s.

Heat is sneaky and can be easy to overlook; be sure to take care of yourself, find shade, and drink a lot of water. Take care of your kids and pets as well… water, water, water.