Steady Rain Not Done Yet

After some nice, light rainfall Sunday morning, we have more opportunities for rain overnight. This time, we could see some nice downpours. Showers and thunderstorms arrive late Sunday into early Monday, continuing to bring much needed rainfall. By Monday afternoon, rain chances start to slim down and become more isolated before we clear up during the evening hours. Severe weather is highly unlikely for our area, but one or two storms could be a little strong due to winds or hail. I personally would not count on any warnings coming out.

The first half of the week will be cooler than the second. Highs on Monday stay in the 60s due to rain-cooled air. On Tuesday, we’re in the mid to upper-70s.

Wednesday night will be a time to watch closely. Storms are in the forecast later Wednesday night, and they do have the potential to be strong or severe with all threats being present. It is too early to tell the degree of the severity as there is still some uncertainty on how these storms will track. We will dry up and feel more like Summer heading into the second half of the work week.