Strong to severe storms possible for the 4th of July

Heading into the 4th of July holiday, there will be the potential for some strong to severe thunderstorms across southeastern Minnesota and northern Iowa.

A warm front is expected to pass through tomorrow morning, which may kick off a round of showers and t-storms across the area that are not likely to be severe. There is still questioning on just how widespread these storms will be at this time, but the chance is there.

The best chance of showers and t-storms will arrive as we head into the afternoon and evening hours as low pressure and accompanying cold front make their way through our area.

There is a slight risk (level 2 out of 5) for severe weather with these storms, with large hail being the primary threat. There will be a chance for an isolated tornado or two along with damaging straight line winds, but these threats are more on the low end.

The other risk with this round of storms will be excessive rainfall. It is no secret that much of our area has seen more rain that we know what to do with, and these showers and storms will only add to the issue through tomorrow night. Rivers may reach minor flood stages, so this will be something important to keep in mind with the rain.

It does appear possible that local 4th of July firework plans may be postponed or canceled should storms progress the way they are currently forecast. It will be important to plan ahead for tomorrow regarding any holiday outdoor activities.