Summer has finally arrived and will build through the week

We have finally seen the return of 80F temperatures region wide after a long spell of consistent 70F’s, which falls below the long-term average for the peak of summer (which is 81F). Yesterday and today though, we have reached 80F across most of southeastern Minnesota and northern Iowa.

We will continue to see high temperatures in the 80F’s through the remainder of the week and into next week as well!

Tuesday and Wednesday we keep highs in the low 80F’s. Dew points will be in the mid 60F’s overall, so you may feel the mugginess just a bit.

Thursday and Friday we see high temperatures climb into the mid 80F’s. Dew points will also begin to rise into the upper 60F’s and to around 70F by Friday.

As we head into the weekend, the heat begins to crank up, with high temperatures climbing into the upper 80F’s. 90F is certainly not out of the question, especially across northern Iowa.

Dew points will continue to increase through the weekend, and they very well could exceed 70F. Therefore, it will not only be warm temperature wise, but it is going to be quite humid. Get ready to get the AC running again or hit the lakes!