Summer warmth continues and a few showers to start the weekend

A strong ridge of high pressure over the Great Lakes is keeping temperatures warm and the skies quiet throughout the region. Temperatures are running above average and will continue to do so through the weekend and likely through next week.

Francine has weakened to a Tropical Depression in the southern United States and will be slowly drifting northward. As the ridge over the Great Lakes keeps it from moving eastward, a bit of energy will kick our way Friday. Showers are possible late Friday evening, and are more likely Friday night through Saturday morning. Despite some showers, the weekend is not going to be a washout.

Thanks to more clouds and some rain, temperatures will remain in the 70s Saturday. The second half of the weekend will be warmer and brighter with highs back in the 80s.

Next week remains warm and bright with more of the same; highs around 80 and a mostly sunny to partly cloudy sky.

There looks to be a change in the weather pattern toward the end of next week which will mean slightly cooler weather and a better chance at rain through the weekend of the 21st.