Sunny, comfortably warm stretch of weather the rest of this week

Aside from a stray shower or two Tuesday, we’ve turned the corner from an active stretch of weather and can enjoy some pleasant, summer weather. Thanks to a block of Canadian air moving into the upper Midwest, temperatures and dew points will be dropping Wednesday, making for a comfortably mild, beautiful day.

Highs will remain in the low 70s Wednesday afternoon with a northwesterly breeze and a mostly sunny sky.

High temperatures will slowly climb through Friday, returning to the upper 80s later this week. Additionally, less humid air will remain through the week as well. Dew points will remain in the 50s through Thursday, and just into the lower 60s Friday.

The weekend looks nice as well. There is a slight chance of a thunderstorm Sunday, but the majority of the weekend will remain rain-free and seasonably warm.