Tale of two seasons Saturday and Sunday

We are in for quite the roller coaster this weekend across southeastern Minnesota and northern Iowa. The summerlike weather is able to hold on for Saturday, but a more fall like weather pattern knocks down the front door on Sunday, making it feel quite different around here.

There may be a bit of cloud cover earlier Saturday morning, but this cloud cover will move off east by mid morning, giving way to some sunshine before noon rolls around. Saturday afternoon the clouds begin to increase once again, as well as the shower and t-storm chances. A powerful cold front will slide through late tomorrow afternoon providing enough forcing to kick off at least a broken line of showers and storms mid to late afternoon, especially east of I-35.

There is the potential that some of these storms may be severe, with damaging winds and large hail being the primary concern. The Storm Prediction Center has the entire Weather First area under a Marginal Risk (level 1 out of 5 risk) for severe weather. While the odds for severe weather are not great, and not everyone will likely see rain tomorrow, it will be something to keep in mind if you have any outdoor activities planned Saturday afternoon.

Behind the cold front, much cooler weather arrives! Highs are only expected to reach into the mid 60F’s on Sunday, given the cloud cover expected as well as cooler, Canadian air rushing down from the north. Rain chances are on the lower end Sunday, with the best chance of rain staying south of the Iowa/Minnesota border.

Overall, the weekend starts off summerlike, and ends fall like…rather fitting considering that Sunday is the Autumnal Equinox (first day of fall!).