Temperature roller coaster this week!

We are in for quite the dramatic change in temperatures over the next week, with multiple quiet cold fronts making their way through our area. While they don’t bring any precipitation chances with them, they certainly will be impacting the temperature side of things.

The first cold front passes through Monday evening and into the overnight hours. Temperatures will take quite the tumble soon after, with highs only able to climb into the low to mid 60F’s Tuesday afternoon! No rain chances with this front though. Dew points will be higher ahead of the front, but with how warm temperatures are going to be, the air is just not going to be able to saturate enough to get any precipitation in our area.

Temperatures bounce back as fast as they drop on Wednesday, with highs in the mid 70F’s across the Weather First area. This temperature increase will be thanks to strong southwesterly winds bringing warm air from that direction into Wednesday afternoon. Another cold front passes through Wednesday night, but this one won’t be quite a strong as Monday’s.

Temperatures will be a bit cooler on Thursday, with highs in the low 70F’s, and cooler still on Friday, with highs in the mid to upper 60F’s.

Warm air returns once again next weekend ahead of yet another cold front set to come through at some point Saturday or Sunday. Timing is uncertain on when the cold front passes through, but low to mid 70F’s are currently expected, along with no rain chances once again.

A temperature roller coaster for sure, but plenty of sunshine is expected each day. Not a uncommon weather pattern for this time of year!