Pleasant, quiet weekend ahead

Some welcome rain fell across the region today, even though totals weren’t very high. They were generally a quarter inch or less, but for most it was enough to knock the dust down. Clouds are slowly eroding into Friday evening, and there is a slight chance a couple, isolated thundershowers may develop around 6pm. If any football games are effected, it will only be briefly.

An isolated shower or two are possible early Saturday, otherwise we’re in for decreasing clouds and comfortably mild afternoon temperatures in the low 70s. More of the same is ahead into the start of next week as well; sunny, mild days, a light breeze, and cool, fall-like nights.

There looks to be some changes in the weather pattern toward the end of next week with an increasing chance for some more common showers and a thunderstorm or two. Fingers crossed for a little more relief from the drought. Have a great weekend!