3 DNR K9 teams graduate from K9 school, hit the field

The Minnesota DNR K9 unit. Left to right: Lt. Phil Mohs and K9 Mack; Conservation Officer Mike Krauel and K9 Bolt; Conservation Officer Mike Fairbanks and K9 Fennec; Conservation Officer Adam Seifermann and K9 Jet; and Conservation Officer Luke Gutzwiller and K9 Earl. (Credit: MnDNR)
(ABC 6 News) – Three Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MnDNR) K9 teams recently graduated from the St. Paul Police Department’s K9 School, bringing the total number of DNR dog/handler teams to five.
The new teams are: Conservation Officer (CO) Mike Fairbanks and K9 Fennec (a German shepherd), who are stationed in Deer River; CO Mike Krauel and K9 Bolt (a black Labrador), who are stationed in Mora; and CO Adam Seifermann and K9 Jet (a black Labrador), who are stationed in Staples.
In addition to working in their assigned stations, all five of the K9 teams support DNR conservation officers and their public safety partners across the state.
“These dogs are capable of incredible things,” said Lt. Phil Mohs, who leads the K9 unit. “All they want to do is work. They may not know they’re working on behalf of Minnesota’s people and natural resources, but there’s no doubt our state is better for having these dogs working in the field.”
In the days since the K9 teams graduated, they have already helped conduct aquatic invasive species check stations (three of the unit’s five dogs are trained to locate zebra mussels), assisted local law enforcement agencies, and done demonstrations for kids and civic groups.