4th of July fun wraps up in Clear Lake

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(ABC 6 News) – Clear Lake, Iowa’s premier summer festival wrapped up on Wednesday.

Throughout the past week, there have been several events for locals and visitors alike.

Carson Ries, who came with Connor and Caden Ries as well as Anders Hegvedt, enjoy this time of year both for the 4th of July and checking out events in general.

“I like a lot about the events in Clear Lake; they’re always so fun to participate in,” said Carson.

And there was no shortage of carnival rides, either. Caden Ries highlighted two in particular that he enjoyed.

“Fireball and Freak Out. Fireball because it goes upside down,” said Caden.

Isaiah Mooney seconds Ries’ opinion.

“My favorite ride would probably be the Freak Out cause it gets my blood going,” said Isaiah.

And don’t forget the games, there were a ton of options.

Fin Stenberg claims one is much harder than the rest.

“My favorite is this ladder game. You have to climb up the ladder without falling off. I think it’s the hardest game here,” said Fin.

As for all the delicious food– Adysen Bethke has a couple favorites.

“They have a lot of options. I love the corn dogs and funnel cakes. They’re just delicious,” said Adysen.

Bethke came with Faith Harrison and Mooney. They all agree on the funnel cakes.

While it was a fun day full of activities, Rod Van Wyk is glad the events are still going on so his grandkids can explore what Clear Lake has to offer. He brought all of his grandkids along on Wednesday, including Anthony, Sam, Emi, and Maya.

“I’m glad that everything is back to normal at least as far as celebrations,” said Rod.

Maggie Bennett found this week the perfect time to visit people she grew up with.

“Seeing family, seeing old friends, I saw a few people who I graduated with from mason city high school in 1995,” said Maggie.

Fireworks were cancelled Tuesday night due to weather, but with no rain in the forecast Wednesday night, they were allowed to take place for the thrilling conclusion of a great week.