6 On Your Side: Consumer Confidence, sleep treatments for snoring

Sleep treatments for snoring

Consumer Reports looks at the sleep treatments that can give you and yours some long-awaited, uninterrupted zzzz's.

(ABC 6 News) – Be honest: Do you snore? Does your partner say you snore?

Without a doubt, snoring is disruptive and, in some severe cases, even life-threatening.

Consumer Reports looks at the sleep treatments that can give you and yours some long-awaited, uninterrupted zzzz’s.

“I was just so tired all the time, falling asleep while I was talking on the phone,” says Manish Amin, who tried lifestyle changes, but when those didn’t work, he talked to his doctor about a sleep study.

“An overnight sleep test can detect whether you have obstructive sleep apnea, which is when your breathing pauses during sleep because something blocks your airway, like your tongue or relaxed throat muscles,” says Consumer Reports’ Kevin Loria.

Left untreated, obstructive sleep apnea can cause daytime sleepiness. It can also strain the heart, and increase the risk of anxiety, diabetes, hypertension, and even stroke.

The primary treatment for sleep apnea is a continuous positive airway pressure machine or CPAP.

Users are fitted with a mask connected to a pump that pushes air into the airway, holding it open while sleeping. CPAP can significantly reduce the number of breathing interruptions during the night, but patients often have complaints.

“It’s hard dealing with the CPAP, there’s the mask, the hose… there’s definitely some adjustment,” says Amin.

If the full-face mask isn’t for you, you might want to consider a nasal pillow or a nasal mask.

Another alternative are custom-made dental devices.

“They’re designed to move the jaw and shift the tongue toward the front of the mouth to keep the airway open. This can be used with CPAP,” says Loria.

Then there are devices like Inspire that are surgically implanted in the upper chest, like a pacemaker. They stabilize your throat during sleep to prevent obstruction of the airway. With no hose or mask to worry about, Inspire can seem much more convenient, but it’s not an easy fix.

“I’d rather learn to get comfortable with the CPAP than go through surgery. It’s important for me to get a handle on this,” says Amin.

Remember that sleep issues can be serious, but a restful night begins with a good conversation with your doctor.

Skipping alcohol can reduce symptoms, as can sleeping on your side or stomach. Weight loss can also help because obesity is a primary factor for sleep apnea.