9/11 remembrance in Pine Island Sunday afternoon
(ABC 6 News) – It’s been 22 years since the nation was targeted in a terrorist attack, a horrific time for the United States as the Twin Towers crumbled to the ground, but communities in the area are making sure no one ever forgets the tragedy.
This year, the Pine Island community got an early start to remembering that day and honoring the lives that were lost.
“There was an importance to ensure that we emphasize the ‘never forget’ component of September 11th,” Pine Island Mayor David Friese said.
In honor of the thousands of lives lost on that day, the Pine Island Fire Department, along with the American Legion, partnered together to hold its third 9/11 procession.
Law enforcement from the Olmsted County Sheriff’s Office was also in attendance to show their support along with ambulance services.
It's been 22 years since the nation was targeted in a terrorist attack, a horrific time for the United States as the Twin Towers crumbled to the ground, but communities in the area are making sure no one ever forgets the tragedy.
There was music, speakers, and presentations, all to honor the tragic day.
“We try to do a good job of remembering what happened on September 11th, why it’s important to remember, and also to reflect on the unity that came out of the nation after that terrible event,” Friese said.
It was also a time to thank those who served our country that day and the heroes who still do today.
Jerry Parr is the post adjutant at the American Legion in Pine Island, serving eight years of active duty for the U.S. Army.
“I remember exactly where I was,” said Parr.
This day means a lot to him, as it is a constant reminder that although lives were ended too soon, it brought the country together.
“It was a very traumatic day for me personally as a veteran. We never forget, that’s one of the things we never want to do, is never forget what happened during 9/11, it’s very critical we can’t get complacent,” Parr said.
The Pine Island Fire Department and American Legion hope to continue to partner with each other in the future to make sure no one ever forgets about 9/11 and keep the memory alive for many years to come.