Albert Lea Planning Commission approves cannabis ordinance

Albert Lea adult focused businesses

(ABC 6 News) – After a long process, the planning commission was able to come to a unanimous decision on where exactly cannabis and sexually oriented businesses can open in Albert Lea.

Following the legalization of marijuana in Minnesota, the anticipation of licensed cannabis dispensaries opening in 2025 is growing in southeast Minnesota.

That’s why Albert Lea, like many cities are making sure they’re prepared.

“The State of Minnesota identified 13 different type of cannabis businesses, anything from retail, to transportation, to manufacturing, grow facilities and so forth,” Albert Lea zoning official Wayne Sorensen said.

Two weeks ago, the city held a public hearing to get input from the community on adult focused business restrictions.

Now, using that input they created a plan.

That plan would prohibit adult focused businesses in residential areas. That also includes interstates and areas near downtown.

“The city staff took a look at existing zoning districts where existing similar uses are already located, and did the best we could to plug them in to what we consider to be an appropriate zone,” Sorensen said.

Cannabis and sexually oriented businesses will also need to be at least 1,000 feet from schools and 500 feet from daycares, churches, parks, and residential treatment facilities.

Now the city council will have to vote on it before the plan can go into effect.

Despite the red tape, locals are still excited about the positive impacts these businesses can have on the local economy.

“This is a huge investment for the city, that’s what this business will do, it will draw people off the interstate, it’ll draw people from other communities,” Colin Minehart said.