Albert Lea to hold City Council meeting

(Credit: City of Albert Lea)
(ABC 6 News) — The City of Albert Lea will hold a Council meeting on Monday, July 8th to discuss taking the next steps for multiple financial projects.
The topics of discussion include street projects, recreational facility improvements, solar energy projects, and the development of a Kwik Trip at the Blazing Star Landing.
The council will vote on accepting a bonding proposal to borrow $15.5 million for streets, recreational facilities, and solar energy.
There will be two additional votes regarding the Kwik Trip project. The first of these votes will involve the acceptance of two state grants for developing the site.
The first of these grants would be $189,205 toward extending Eberhart Street, including sewer and water mains, sidewalks, and related infrastructure. The second would be $130,527 for cleaning up the contaminated soil at the Kwik Trip site.
Kwik Trip is planning to put up a new 9,100-square-foot convenience store at the corner of Main Street and Garfield Avenue, across from its current site on Garfield.
Other items on the agenda include introducing new storm water controls for construction sites as required by the State of Minnesota, and the declaration of a vacancy for the Ward 4 City Council seat after Councilor Sherri Rasmussen announced her resignation at the June 24 meeting. Declaring the vacancy is the first step toward filling the seat, either through a council appointment or special election.
The council meets for a work session at 5:30 PM and regular meeting at 7 PM on July 8th. Both are open to the public and held in the council chambers on the top floor of City Hall, 221 E. Clark St. For the complete agenda and city councilor contact information, visit the city website.