Austin school board approves tax levy

Austin School Board lowers tax levy

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(ABC 6 News) – Cities and school boards across our area have been looking at increasing property taxes to fund their operations.

It’s no different for Austin schools, as the board sat down Monday to approve a maximum tax levy increase for 2025.

The school board brought down its maximum tax levy amount slightly, from 6.77% to 6.73%.

“The reason we use the word maximum right now is the state will continually work on this until September 30, so if we propose a number and that number changes by a cent, we have to bring the board back together again to approve the proposal,” said Todd Lechtenberg, Executive Director of Finance and Operations with APS.

Superintendent Joey Page says there are two main factors driving the need for a tax levy increase.

“Our post-retirement health benefits have increased and we’ve also seen the increase in enrollment,” said Page.

It comes just a week after Austin city council approved an 11.97% tax levy increase for the city.

RELATED: Austin City Council approves tax levy increase

“In light of our counterparts with the city and the county, you know this is definitely a sensitive subject right now,” said Dr. Carolyn Dubé, Austin school board Chairperson.

The school board is using the same math as city council to project how much its levy would cost taxpayers, based on a home value of $161,100.

“Our max, which has gone down now since I even asked it, at 6.77 would be, and [Lechtenberg] said it was approximately $20,” APS board member Carol McAlister.

Taxpayers will see this levy increase reflected in their 2025 tax statements, and funds will be available for the school district to use in 2026.

“Certainly, taxes impact us all, with that, so I would encourage people to be informed and if they have questions to come to our Truth in Taxation meeting,” said Page.

APS will hold its Truth in Taxation hearing on December 9. Then, the school board will finalize the levy and approve the exact dollar amount.