Austin school lunch potatoes recalled

APS Luch contained recalled food

APS Luch contained recalled food

(ABC 6 News) – A food item served at Austin Public Schools Thursday was recalled, according to a message from Supt. Joey Page to parents Friday.

On Monday, May 6, Kerry Foods reached out to Martin Brothers Distribution, which services APS, to let them know about a food recall from their supplier, Grande Custom Ingredients. A number of products that may have been contaminated with Salmonella bacteria.

An “ingredient in question” was used in the Thursday lunches, Page wrote, and “while there is a low risk of contracting Salmonella from the prepared food, we are taking every possible precaution to mitigate any potential risk.

“Our Food and Nutrition Team is fully aware of this issue, has reported the existing number of scalloped potato cases, and is disposing of the remaining product,” he added.

Austin Public Schools also notified the Minnesota Department of Health, and asked parents to contact healthcare providers if their children experience symptoms of salmonellosis, which can include diarrhea, fever, and stomach cramps in the days after exposure.