Austin woman lives out her dream of flying in a hot air balloon

Hot air balloon dream

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(ABC 6 News) – It was a dream come true for Carole Dunfee.

This resident at Our House senior living made her sky-high dreams come true today.

As the balloon took off, Dunfee was surrounded by her friends and even some bystanders.

This bucket list item though wasn’t just Dunfee’s dream come true.

“Being able to get up in a hot air balloon and be able to take some of my husband’s ashes along because it was always a dream.”

A dream, she says she and her husband now lived together, even if he was only there in spirit.

While they took in these breathtaking views just below the clouds, I was on the ground racing to meet them as they landed.

They landed in an open field southeast of Austin and when asked if the ride was nerve-racking, this is what she had to say.

“Absolutely not, no it’s just astronomical to look at something from way up there from another perspective, it was the best.”

It’s something Dunfee wanted to do her entire life, and she’ll spend the rest of her life, remembering it forever.