Bold Forward Unbound construction begins in downtown Rochester

Bold. Forward. Unbound. construction begins in downtown Rochester

Mayo Clinic has officially broke ground on their new Bold. Forward. Unbound Project.

(ABC 6 News)- It’s one common thing in Minnesota, construction, and it’s about to get a lot more common here in the Med City, as Mayo Clinic has officially broke ground on their new Bold. Forward. Unbound. project.

It’s expecting to close various parts of downtown Rochester, all the way through December. And now one local business is concerned.

“It’s going to have a drastic effect on everybody’s business downtown. I mean it doesn’t help anybody. Except for Mayo,” said Linda Smith, the owner of Optical Vision in downtown Rochester.

Smith’s business is located right in the heart of the ground break. She said overall her business has been doing well, but she is afraid the construction will change that.

“They say they want to help us small businesses but I don’t know how. I mean, now it’s the first day of the new construction. Closing the streets off until December they say. That’s awful. I mean how do they expect us to run our business,” Smith said.

And will have to now find different ways to keep business afloat.

“I’m gonna start a new commercial. Try to do some advertising so that people know that the construction is gonna go for a long time, but please don’t let it effect us,” said Smith.

The city on the other hand, offers advice to those like Linda who may not be thrilled about the start of the project.

“We just encourage people to give themselves extra time. You know reference maps that we do have available. If they can avoid the area or find alternative routes. That makes a difference overall for just potential congestion, but just the ease of navigation,” said Jenna Bowman, the strategic communications and engagement Director for the City of Rochester.

In light of the start of the project, Mayo Clinic released the following statement:

“The closure of Fourth Avenue Southwest will allow for important utility work necessary to serve the Rochester community’s long-term infrastructure needs. Mayo Clinic is in close coordination with the City of Rochester and our downtown neighbors to minimize disruption to properties surrounding the closure. We will continue to communicate changes to ensure all have the information and resources they need to plan for their travel to our downtown campus.

The project team will be closely monitoring the impacted area and will continue to assess opportunities for additional traffic and parking solutions downtown.”

You can find a complete list of construction spots here.