Britt’s Hobo Days kick off on Thursday

Hobo Days

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(ABC 6 News) — The town of Britt kicked off its national Hobo Convention and Hobo Days on Thursday.

That classic idea of a hobo as vagrants and bums often paints an often incomplete and offensive picture of Hobo life.

ABC 6 News reporter Alexander Schmidt was in Britt on Thursday to take in the event and even got a chance to talk to the king of Hobos, Train “The Iowegian,” to learn more about the Hobo life.

‘The misunderstood part is, I believe, is that a hobo is born to wander. Can’t get that out of him. All that wander are not lost.”

In Britt, the National Hobo Museum tells the story of migratory workers hopping trains after the Civil War and throughout the Great Depression. Its position along the old Milwaukee Road has made it a hub for Hobos since the turn of the 20th century.

The festival draws active migrant workers as well as those in Britt dedicated to preserving the history and traditions of the hobo lifestyle.

Britt is also the home of the National Hobo Memorial, commemorating workers who took their last earthly ride out west.

“When the Hobos come, they come from all over the United States, and they consider Britt home,” said President of Britt Hobo Days Association Amy Boekelman. “It’s fun to see them because we usually only get to see them once a year, and they become family to us.”

Find out more information about Britt’s Hobo Days and the National Hobo Convention at their website.