Campaign signs stolen in Preston

(ABC 6 News) – The Fillmore County DFL says multiple Harris-Walz campaign signs have been stolen in Preston, according to Facebook post Saturday.

Chair of the Fillmore County DFL, Christine DeVries, tells ABC 6 News her organization was first alerted of the theft on Thursday morning.

DeVries says 23 Harris-Walz signs were stolen, including Fillmore County DFL’s. All signs have since been replaced.

Friday night, three of the replacement signs were “taken in a more random fashion,” according to DeVries.

Saturday, Fillmore County DFL learned multiple signs are also missing in Harmony.

In its Facebook post, Fillmore County DFL tells yard owners with DFL signs to make sure camera batteries are charged and report all theft and damage to local police.

The post goes on to say, “We still believe in FREE SPEECH and the right to organize. This is a clear violation of our First Amendment rights.”

Preston Police were unable to be reached at this time to confirm if officers are investigating or provide further details. So far, no charges have been filed in relation to this claim.

This story has been updated.