Candidate filing open for Rochester citywide races

(ABC 6 News) – If you’ve ever had a desire to run for office your chance to get on the November 2024 ballot is right now. Candidate filings are open for municipal and school board races here in Rochester and many hopefuls have already thrown their hat in the ring.

Some say it’s one of the many great privileges in America, running for office.

“Coming into city hall really felt like the official act of really making sure it’s a sure thing,” said Randy Schubring.

The candidate filling period just opened in Rochester for city wide races.

“Really they just need to come here and fill out the affidavit of candidacy. Then they need the all the regular things, you need to be over the age of 21, resident of Rochester for at least 30 days for any of the local races,” said Deputy City Clerk Christiaan Cartwright.

One of the candidates filing to run for office is Randy Schubring. He’s looking to become the next city council president.

“I’ve lived in Rochester for about 15 years. But city politics and municipalities and how cities grow is just my passion so I’m just so excited about this journey,” said Schubring.

At 11 a.m. on Tuesday 8, people already registered to be candidate on this year’s ballot. But it’s not just putting your name on a piece of paper, candidates have rules to follow like reporting funding for their campaign.

“All of that it is important for transparency elements for reporting elements and just to kind of make sure you campaign is on course,” said Cartwright.

Schubring says he’s excited for the next few months of campaigning.

“I’ll be out there all summer knocking on doors, going to ever neighborhood in Rochester and looking forward to talking to Rochester residents,” said Schubring.

Candidate filing closes on Tuesday June 4th at 5pm. For more information (Click Here)