City of Rochester asks residents to help water trees planted since 2020

(ABC 6 News) – The City of Rochester Parks & Recreation Department is asking homeowners, who have had trees planted in their boulevard within the last 3 years, to help water them.
The younger trees with smaller root systems are more susceptible to drought stress, and are in need of extra care, said the City.
Alison Litchy, Rochester Parks and Recreation Forestry Supervisor, said, “With the hot weather and lack of rain we need the public’s help with protecting our tree canopy. For proper watering, follow the 10 gallons per diameter inch of tree per week rule. Use a 5-gallon bucket of water or a garden hose at a small trickle for one hour once a week. Make sure to water right at the main root ball of the tree, and we recommend watering in the morning to minimize water loss. If you have planted trees on private property, we recommend watering those as well. We thank you for your efforts.”
For more information, visit the Tree Owner’s Manual produced by the City of Rochester Park and Recreation, or call the Forestry team at 507-328-2515.