Council meets for next steps on Any Path Home initiative in Olmsted County

(ABC 6 News)- Homelessness is an issue that’s ongoing with seemingly no end in site here in Olmsted County. And that’s why “Any Path Home” was created.

“We recognize that the need is growing and there are other agencies and programs within our program that are also working to help unhoused individuals. It was very important for us to collaborate and come together,” said Candace Voeller, the administrative officer for Salvation Army in Rochester.

The Salvation Army in Rochester is one of those organizations getting involved in the initiative. They, along with the others, have been trying to tackle homelessness on their own for awhile now. Until they all realized that combined forces may net better results.

“The next step is going to be that we continue this conversation and we continue in the efforts moving forward,” said Voeller.

Next steps for Any Path Home include expanding outreach, improving data collection, strengthening partnerships, and addressing gaps in our support system.

“One of the gaps that we’re trying to fill is how can we keep records and understanding and knowing. So how has an individual been to the Salvation Army, have they been to the landing, been to Dorothy Day, or the warming center, and how can we continue those touch points so that we can keep building up that person, that individual, and providing the ongoing resources,” Voeller said.

And although the groups admit it’s uphill battle, they say it’s one worth fighting.

“It’s challenging because you have a lot of organizations, but it’s also rewarding because you get to see just how amazing our organizations are that are in our in our community, and how wonderful the people are who really dedicate their lives to their organization, and truly this is their calling,” said Dave Dunn, who is the Planning and Housing Director with Olmsted County.

For more information on the Any Path Home Initiative, click here.