Direct balloting opens in Olmsted County ahead of primary elections

Direct ballot voting

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(ABC 6 News) – Eighteen days ahead of the primary election on August 13, Olmsted County has started accepting direct ballots for absentee voters at two locations in Rochester.

“Direct balloting is faster, more convenient, and honestly more popular for voters,” said Luke Turner, associate director for Olmsted County Property Records & Licensing.

It’s just one of the many ways voters can make sure their voices are heard.

The process is somewhat similar to other absentee methods: fill out an absentee form in person, a new registration form if applicable, turn it in at one of two locations, and then receive a ballot to fill out and enter into a tabulator.

“(It’s) a very quick process,” Turner said. “Almost identical to election day, so it’s very familiar to voters.”

Where direct balloting can differ is the confidence in the vote it gives to some people.

Minnesota overall is one of the top places in the country to vote.

For the last three of four elections, the state has actually been number one in terms of turnout.

“When you look at the reasons why Minnesota votes in such sky high numbers year after year after year,” said Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon, “there are a lot of explanations but one of the really big ones is good laws.”

Laws like letting people vote from home, or restoring the right to vote for felons no longer in prison.

Direct balloting is no different, giving people the choice on how they vote.

“If they can show they’re eligible voters, they should be able to do on their terms for the most part,” Simon said.

For this area, it’s apparent people really like to vote.

“Olmsted County historically has seen some pretty significant lines in the last two weeks leading up to the election, with hundreds to thousands of people voting a day in our office,” said Turner.

Direct balloting eases that burden.

And with all the excitement of this year’s presidential election, it can be easy to forget just how important local elections are as well.

The Olmsted County Elections Office will be open July 26 to August 12, Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday, August 10 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Rochester City Hall will be open August 6 to August 12, with the same hours.

For more information on locations, dates, and times, click here.