Drought impacts farmers in Albert Lea

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(ABC 6 News) – Farmers in Albert Lea are hurting with the recent drought.

Without rain, farmers have to water the crops more often, but some aren’t able to keep up with how much is needed to water.

Other farmers have had to decide which crops to focus on saving, letting others go without water.

“It’s been a tough year. Our strawberry crop was a failure this year, and everything’s coming late. It’s been unpredictable. We need rain,” said produce farmer Kirk Ulland.

Ulland has been fortunate to have most of his crops survive, but they’ve come slowly and in smaller amounts than what he usually yields.

Luckily it hasn’t been so bad for everyone. Farmers out in Hollandale haven’t seen their crops suffer as much thanks to the moisture-rich soil.

The best way to support local farmers during this difficult time is to shop at your local farmer’s market.