Dry weather’s impact on skin
(ABC 6 News) – It certainly is not just the ground that is dry this winter across our area, but it is likely your skin too.
Winter has always been a dry time of year regardless of the weather, and this can have a negative impact on the health of your skin. The dry air causes the moisture to leave the skin, which weakens the skin and its ability to hold together. This can further lead to erosions of the skin, peeling, cracking, and even bleeding.
Dry skin can come in several forms, it can appear as rash like, it can be itchy, it can burn, and it can even look like an ordinary scrape or scab (often induced by itching).
“Dry skin can lead to symptoms of discomfort, pain, stinging, aching skin, soreness, it can also cause the skin to break down, causing erosions, and you’re more likely to have skin infections when your skin is dry and cracked.” says Dawn Davis, a Dermatologist at Mayo Clinic in Rochester.
Fortunately, there are many remedies out there that you can use to fend off those dry and cracked hands.
Dermatologists suggests using moisturizers and creams that are low in chemicals and do not cause further irritation to the skin. They also suggest padding your hands dry after washing them, instead of roughly drying them with a towel.
Moisturizing is an important step in preventing other skin conditions such as Eczema and Psoriasis, which can be more aggressive forms of skin irritation. Doing so multiple times a day is also a good step away from these unpleasant conditions.
If skin irritation becomes long lasting, and the area effected appears rash-like, is warm, is peeling, and even bleeding and producing fluid, then seeking the help of a Dermatologist is the next best step.