Excellent Educator: Grace Magnuson
(ABC 6 News) — There is a lot of work that goes into running a classroom. However, many teachers in the area know it has a lasting impact.
Grace Magnuson has been a teacher in the Special Education Department at LeRoy-Ostrander Middle and School for two years now.
“It’s the kids, and every teacher will be with me on that. It is the kids that keep you coming back,” Ms. Magnuson said.
A part of the CARDS Team of the Southern Minnesota Education Consortium, Ms. Magnuson specializes in working with K-12 kids with autism.
“Learning all the different types of strategies and things that help aid my students in their learning. And I also learned a lot about how to teach them those daily functional skills because that’s really what I focus on with them,” Ms. Magnuson said.
Ms. Magnuson says one of the many things about teaching she finds most fulfilling is watching the kids grow and interact with each other.
“I’ve seen it drastically turn around to wanting to work with me, wanting to come and sit down and do reading and math and learn those other skills versus hiding from me,” Ms. Magnuson said.
And her supervisor says she’s been a great addition to the program, bringing a much-needed energy to the classroom.
“Because our kids do have such unique needs, it can be very challenging. So she’s been able to meet those challenges, to be able to work with our kids to make sure that their needs are being met, and you really have to be able to work on the fly,” said Department Lead Susan Sails.
But what it all boils down to in the end is the relationship with the kids.
“If you don’t have a good relationship, you’re not going to get anywhere. I really enjoy that part of my job, and I think it is truly what makes you a good educator is having those relationships,” Ms. Magnuson said.