Fallen power line creates danger in Rose Creek

Fallen power line creates danger in Rose Creek

A downed power line left for a dangerous situation in Rose Creek after a severe weather event Tuesday.

(ABC 6 News) – A downed power line left for a dangerous situation in Rose Creek after a severe weather event Tuesday.

It happened at the intersection of County Road 4 and 610 Avenue.

The fallen power lines caused electricity outages in some parts of town.

 Fire crews set to work blocking off the dangerous intersection around 6:15 p.m.

Rose Creek Fire Captain Craig Weis advised all to stay clear of the area and seek shelter inside. If the downed lines were to fall on someone, it would be deadly.

“70-foot pole, used to be on top of the other piece and it’s hanging over the top of these. If it falls, could honestly be very bad,” said Weis.

Many trees also fell around town, including one blocking part of County Road 4 nearby the closed intersection, as well as multiple trees that fell down the Shooting Star State Trail bike path.

Uprooted trees and fallen branches also fell into many yards, while one family even had a tree fall onto their roof.

“I was just sitting on the couch and then it just all happened so fast. I saw the wind gust coming and then heard the tree fall on the house and was pretty spooked; ran down the stairs quick and then came up a few minutes later and saw the damage,” said Laura Bottma, who was home when the tree fell on her house.

Thankfully, no one was hurt and there doesn’t appear to be any significant damage to the house.

People from across town all pitched in to clean up the fallen tree on Bottma’s house, as well as the debris from fallen branches at other homes and assisted fire crews with the downed power line.