Feeding the Lions: Clear Lake dishes out fresh, local produce

Farm to table school lunches

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(ABC 6 News) — Feeding the Clear Lake Lions is Julie Udelhofen’s mission. 

As food service director, Udelhofen is making strides at Clear Lake Community School District by helping implement healthy choices in the lunch line. 

“I’ve always been passionate about local food,” Udelhofen said, “So when the LFS (Local Food for Schools) grant became available, I signed up for that right away.”

The USDA grant allows Udelhofen to purchase Iowa-grown produce from local growers; from potatoes and parsnips to kale and cauliflower, and almost everything in between.

The school has more than a dozen participating local food providers who are certified through the Iowa State University Extension’s Food Hub. Said Udelhofen, “We’ve also written into our wellness policy that will visit at least two farms every year just to audit those farms, make sure that they’re practicing the good agriculture practices.” 

The grant (along with partnerships with the North Iowa Local Food Coalition and ISU Extension) has brought a wealth of fresh fruit and vegetable options to the lunchroom

“We know [processed food] is not good for kids based on research,” said middle school principal Mike Lester. “But the fresh stuff that we can give the kids right out of the garden, right out of the field, the much better it is for their mindset, as well as their body.” 

This August, the USDA awarded Clear Lake schools with a “Healthy Meals Incentive” award, recognizing the food service program as one of the top four in the state. 

On Wednesday, September 25, Iowa Local Food Day will see schools statewide celebrate healthy eating by incorporating locally sourced foods into menus and meal plans. Schools and other organizations participating in Iowa Local Food Day must commit to serving at least two local food items during breakfast, lunch, snack time or taste test activities.