Former Rochester diving coach receives probation; permission to use smart phone following child porn convictions

Brett Maronde / Olmsted County ADC
(ABC 6 News) – Brett James Maronde, the former RPS diving coach who pleaded guilty to two counts of possessing child porn in 2023, was sentenced to 3 years’ probation Wednesday, Jan. 31.
Maronde, 50, pleaded guilty to one charge of possession of child pornography–minor under age 14 and one amended charge of possession of child pornography in Olmsted County Court Thursday, Nov. 16.
He had completed his presumptive 60-day jail sentence in advance of the sentencing.
Sex offenders’ standard conditions of probation generally do not allow them to use internet-capable devices. The following wording is an example of standard internet restrictions for sex offenders in Olmsted County, pulled from Maronde’s initial sentencing draft:
“Have no access to the internet or use internet without approval from supervising agent.
Must not own or operate a device that allows for internet capabilities or access to the
internet through any technology or third party, call/sex/chat/dating or social likes. If
internet access is approved, must not access sex/chat/dating/social websites/blogs and
comply with internet monitoring software.“
Maronde, like former Olmsted County deputy Mathew Adamson, also facing child pornography charges, argued that surrendering all internet-capable devices was “not practical.”
Maronde’s defense secured him the use of an iPhone to “run his business” and for employment use.
Olmsted County judge Lisa Hayne also granted Maronde permission to have supervised contact with minors, and only required permission from a probation agent to have unsupervised contact with children.
He also received permission to frequent parks and bicycle trails, as well as malls, in contrast to the standard sex offender probation wording:
“Will not frequent locations where children congregate as directed by Corrections such as
malls, parks, playgrounds, schools, day cares, bicycles trails, or others as specified by
Maronde was also ordered to complete 35 hours of community service and pay a $250 fine, according to Minnesota Court Records Online.
(ABC 6 News) – Brett James Maronde, the former RPS diving coach who pleaded guilty to possession of child porn in November, began his presumptive 60-day sentence on Dec. 1 — about two months before his sentencing Jan. 31, 2024.
Maronde, 50, pleaded guilty to one charge of possession of child pornography–minor under age 14 and one amended charge of possession of child pornography in Olmsted County Court Thursday, Nov. 16.
In exchange, Maronde’s plea agreement specified that he would spend 60 days in the Olmsted County Adult Detention Center, on work release if eligible.
Maronde received permission to complete the sentence ahead of time, with time spent in the ADC counting toward his presumptive sentence, according to documents filed Nov. 27.