Future of Michael’s restaurant building discussed

Future of former restaurant building

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(ABC 6 News) – After the city council meeting, the Economic Development Authority listened to proposals to negotiate with BGD5 development for their plans with the site.

After sitting vacant for 10 years on Broadway Avenue, the future for the former Michael’s building is clear.

“This really is the first checkpoint for the council to say yes we do agree with some of these conditional terms so feel free to continue to negotiate,” Rochester strategic initiatives director Josh Johnsen said.

The 14-story project would include expanding the Galleria allowing for more retail space and adding a student center space and more student housing.

The proposed plan could also include an additional skyway.

“After we talk about funding and feasibility, we’ll bring back another request to city council to see if they’re interested in a skyway from the Hilton to the Michael’s site,” Johnsen said.

While many in the community reminisce about Michael’s during its heyday, some are happy that the building could possibly be put to good use.

It’s important to remember that this decision does not commit the city to take any action or support.

There’s still a lot of work to be done to ensure the city is on the same page regarding the redevelopment.

The next step is for the developers to come back to the city council with a more detailed plan of their development.

That would include potential cost and timeline for the project. Those conversations are expected to happen next year.