G24 art gallery hosts first ever “Holiday with Heart” event

G24 art gallery hosts first ever “Holiday with Heart” event

Local art gallery, G24, hosted their first ever "Holiday with Heart" event on Saturday.

(ABC 6 News)- Local art gallery, G24, hosted their first ever “Holiday with Heart” event on Saturday.

The day was filled with Christmas music and treats as the gallery, formerly called Gallery 24, showcased local artists.

People were able to browse and shop many different types of art including paintings, ornaments, cards and jewlery, offering something for everyone’s budget.

With so many talented local artists, G24 wants to make sure people know about them.

“We are really passionate about local art and we feel that this community has a lot of talent and we like to showcase it,” said Rachel Brokenicky, the Social Media Director at G24.

The gallery hopes to make this event a yearly tradition moving forward.