House floor chaos puts key bills in doubt 

(KSTP) – Republican House members engaged in eight hours of debate over a bill making changes to Minnesota’s paid family and medical program that will increase taxes and the expense of the program.

Just after midnight Wednesday night into Thursday morning, DFL House Speaker Melissa Hortman had heard enough and abruptly called for a vote on the bill as dozens of Republicans were still waiting to speak.

“The clerk will take the roll on the bill,” she said calmly, catching Republicans off guard. Then there was an uproar.

“Excuse me what is happening here?!,” one lawmaker yelled, soon followed by others. “Madam Speaker, what’s going on? Madam Speaker! Madam Speaker! Point of order! Madam Speaker! You have just silenced the voice of the minority!”

House Republicans and Democrats held dueling news conferences on Thursday.

“This is not how democracy is supposed to function,” said GOP Minority Leader Lisa Demuth. “Debate is essential to the legislative process. It’s a fundamental right that ensures all perspectives are heard and respected. Yet here we are.”

DFL Speaker Melissa Hortman responded a few hours later.

“Just as the rules provide that the minority has the right to be heard, the rules also provide that the majority has the right and responsibility to govern,” she said, noting Republicans have done similar actions when they were in control.

Demuth says the controversy could lead to GOP lawmakers withholding support for key bills like sports betting and a bonding bill with dozens of building projects.