Implementing READ Act, APS aims for higher reading comprehension 

Austin sets literacy goals

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(ABC 6 News) — Austin Public Schools is implementing drastic changes to their reading curriculum, aligning the district with new statewide standards as a part of Minnesota’s READ Act. 

“We are not hardwired to read and write,” says APS special education coach Jessica Carlson. “We’re wired to speak. It comes to us very naturally. So we have to be taught through instruction how to read. A lot of the reading happens in the left side of our brain, so we have to make those neural pathways over and over. But it takes a lot of practice to make those connections.”

Austin falls fall below state average when it comes to reading comprehension scores, according to 2022-23 standardized testing data; something that Dr. Katie Baskin, academic and administrative director for APS, hopes will change with the new standards. 

“We’ve not only tried to be proactive,” Baskin said, “…but also obviously being reactive to the legislation. This is an opportunity for us to really continue to grow our teachers in their learning, grow our system to better meet the needs of our students. 

“Reading is a social justice issue,” Baskin adds. “We really want to make sure that we’re closing gaps for our students and preparing them to go out into the world and make a difference and be college and life ready.”