Information session for Silver Lake Dam project

Information session for Silver Lake Dam project

The City of Rochester held an information session on Wednesday regarding the Silver Lake Dam Modification Project.

(ABC 6 News)- The City of Rochester held an information session on Wednesday at the Heintz Center regarding the Silver Lake Dam Modification Project.

The city invited the community out to learn more about the proposal, and to give their feedback.

People supporting the project and people opposing it were at the meeting to learn more about what is at stake, if the project is approved by the City Council.

The project would be done in phases, with the first beginning in 2025.

The phases include the Silver Lake Dam Modification, removing sediment from the lake, improving two pedestrian trails and updates to the pedestrian bridge.

“Folks are very concerned about making sure that their property won’t be flooded, and so explaining what the role of the dam is to be able to pass water through the move water through the city is important,” Aaron Luckstein, deputy public works director for environment services for the City of Rochester, said.

Some opposed to the project believe that there is nothing wrong with the dam, and modifications are not necessary.

“You’ve heard that old saying of it’s not broke don’t fix it? This current dam for the last 87 years, with a lot of modifications including major flood control modifications in the 90s,  has served the city well,” Greg Munson, who is opposed to the modifications, said.

The Rochester City Council is expected to vote on the project in mid-June or early July.

If you weren’t able to make it to the meeting and would like to learn more, a virtual information session will be held on June 10.