Installation at Rochester Art Center complete to help birds

Installation at Rochester Art Center complete to help birds

The Rochester Art Center puts many art pieces on display year-round. This past week, they've been working on another project-they hope will do more than just be another piece of art to look at.

(ABC 6 News) – The Rochester Art Center puts many art pieces on display year-round. This past week, they’ve been working on another project which they hope will do more than just be another piece of art to look at.

On one side, it’s a poem by Erin Sharkey. On the other side, an art piece by Alyssa Baguss.

These two installations not only add more character to the art center, but it helps alleviate a constant problem.

“I was seeing impressions of birds in the windows and birds around, scattered around outside, 20 to 40 a year is what I was seeing.”

The glass building portion of the art center became a big issue for birds.

It inspired a creative solution to turn that part of the building into one huge art piece.

“It just felt like this is a great opportunity for us to do something about the problem at hand.”

Baguss breaks down how this helps guide the birds up and over the building.

“The bottom part of the window is a quilt pattern that mimics shattered glass, and then the glass pieces are triangles, and they all take a formation like birds and fly up into the upper area of the window.”

Now this work of art will forever be ingrained at the art center, serving as a guide for any bird moving forward.

Baguss shared what it meant to her to help solve this problem for our feathered friends.

“I thought it would be great to be apart some sort of environmental challenge or solution to an environmental challenge.”

With the installation being completed before migration season, the art center is looking forward to seeing the impact this will have on the birds that may fly too close.